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I Want To Stay In Boka Bay Forewer

Kotor, Montenegro
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1 Jours


Parcours journalier

Taille des groupes

1 , 0 personnes




This tour includes visiting the three most significant places in the Boka Bay. We will meet in Kotor at the agreed time and place (in front of a pier, your hotel…) we will be driving towards Perast, a small yet gorgeous baroque city. There we will have a walk through the city and spend some time sightseeing the buildings and palaces which were built during the city’s prosperous years of the 17th and 18th centuries. You will be able to enjoy the breathtaking scenery and have a view of the manmade island Our Lady of the Rocks and St George island. From there, we are moving to Herceg Novi, the guardian of the bay. There we will stroll through charming squares and palaces, walk on a 5 km long promenade that used to be a railroad until 1968, linking Sarajevo, Dubrovnik and Herceg Novi. From the promenade you can see a beautiful view of the entrance to the bay and the island of Mamula with fortress from the time of Austro-Hungarians. After we have lunch in Herceg Novi, we will continue our tour towards Kotor. In Kotor you will discover one of the best preserved and most beautiful medieval fortified towns in Europe. We will enter trough the Sea gate, and once inside the ramparts you will see why the town was deemed a World Heritage Site.

I Want To Stay In Boka Bay Forewer

This tour includes visiting the three most significant places in the Boka Bay.
We will meet in Kotor at the agreed time and place (in front of a pier, your hotel…) we will be driving towards Perast, a small yet gorgeous baroque city. There we will have a walk through the city and spend some time sightseeing the buildings and palaces which were built during the city’s prosperous years of the 17th and 18th centuries. You will be able to enjoy the breathtaking scenery and have a view of the manmade island Our Lady of the Rocks and St George island. From there, we are moving to Herceg Novi, the guardian of the bay. There we will stroll through charming squares and palaces, walk on a 5 km long promenade that used to be a railroad until 1968, linking Sarajevo, Dubrovnik and Herceg Novi. From the promenade you can see a beautiful view of the entrance to the bay and the island of Mamula with fortress from the time of Austro-Hungarians. After we have lunch in Herceg Novi, we will continue our tour towards Kotor. In Kotor you will discover one of the best preserved and most beautiful medieval fortified towns in Europe. We will enter trough the Sea gate, and once inside the ramparts you will see why the town was deemed a World Heritage Site.

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A local guide

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01 Jour

Lieu du Séjour

Kotor, Montenegro


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