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Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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1 Jours


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SULTAN PALACE,WATER CASTLE,PRAMBANAN,RATU BOKO Private sightseeing tour Introduction: Pick you up from your hotel and go direct to Sultan palace to visit the museum of king number one to king number 10, spend time there +- 1 hour and then going to Water Castle to see the ponds who used to be has by the king and the princes to take a rest and take a bath spendng time there +- 30 minutes after that going to Prambanan Temple the hindhust temple spending time there +- 1,5 hours after that going the last direction in te Quen of Boko Temple for sunset and visit an ancient palace from the old mataram kingdom spending time there for 1,5 hours and tour finish back to the Hotel. Tour Duration: 1 Day Maximum Number of People: 10 Tour Type: Transport Based Tour Price: Price Per Person USD $70.00 Tour Highlights: Sultan Palace : Kraton Yogyakarta is a Sultan Palace was founded in 1756 by Prince Mangkubumi (Hamengkubuwono I) as a center of the Kingdom Ngayogyakarta. The palace was built on swamp ground called Bannerman Pachetokan and later developed into pesangrahan Ayogya. Water castle : Taman Sari also known as Tamansari Water Castle is a site of a former royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta built by portugese’s invisible hand in 18th century. Prambanan Temple : as the biggest Hindunese templei in South East Asia. From the air, the complex of Candi Prambanan configurates Mandala form, a square with points at the side of it, north, south, west and east. North point is sacred place for Batara Wisnu, God of Verve in Hindunese and at south point for Batara Brahma, God of Conceive in Hindunese. Boko Queen Palace : was built in the times of Rakai Panangkaran, a royal descent of Wangsa Syailendra. The temple built in order to set a meditation place for the royal family (Tulus Doc) Tour Inclusions: Transport : Private car + Driver + Petrol + Mineral water + Tour Guide + Parking car Fee Tour Exclusions: Hotel + Entrance Fee + Meals during tour and another things which not mention above



Private sightseeing tour Introduction:
Pick you up from your hotel and go direct to Sultan palace to visit the museum of king number one to king number 10, spend time there +- 1 hour and then going to Water Castle to see the ponds who used to be has by the king and the princes to take a rest and take a bath spendng time there +- 30 minutes after that going to Prambanan Temple the hindhust temple spending time there +- 1,5 hours after that going the last direction in te Quen of Boko Temple for sunset and visit an ancient palace from the old mataram kingdom spending time there for 1,5 hours and tour finish back to the Hotel.

Tour Duration: 1 Day
Maximum Number of People: 10
Tour Type: Transport Based
Tour Price: Price Per Person USD $70.00
Tour Highlights:
Sultan Palace : Kraton Yogyakarta is a Sultan Palace was founded in 1756 by Prince Mangkubumi (Hamengkubuwono I) as a center of the Kingdom Ngayogyakarta. The palace was built on swamp ground called Bannerman Pachetokan and later developed into pesangrahan Ayogya.

Water castle : Taman Sari also known as Tamansari Water Castle is a site of a former royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta built by portugese’s invisible hand in 18th century.

Prambanan Temple : as the biggest Hindunese templei in South East Asia. From the air, the complex of Candi Prambanan configurates Mandala form, a square with points at the side of it, north, south, west and east. North point is sacred place for Batara Wisnu, God of Verve in Hindunese and at south point for Batara Brahma, God of Conceive in Hindunese.

Boko Queen Palace : was built in the times of Rakai Panangkaran, a royal descent of Wangsa Syailendra. The temple built in order to set a meditation place for the royal family (Tulus Doc)

Tour Inclusions:
Transport : Private car + Driver + Petrol + Mineral water + Tour Guide + Parking car Fee

Tour Exclusions:
Hotel + Entrance Fee + Meals during tour and another things which not mention above

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A local guide

On-demand quotation


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01 Jour

Lieu du Séjour

Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia


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