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Ceahlau Mountains

Ceahl?u, Romania
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1 Jours


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1 , 0 personnes




Worshiped by our ancestors Ceahlau has a yearly date celebrated by the pilgrims : 6 August named also the day of the mountain. Ceahlau mountain was considered by Dacians the nest of Zamolxis god. The old name of the Mountain is Peon which translated from Greek means « The Pole House ». Today Ceahlau is considered the second holy mountain of Orthodox Christianity after Mount Athos. FIRST DAY : Start point Oradea , Cluj or Brasov – Bicaz (we’ll stay overnight in tent or chalet depending on weather conditions). Travel time : around 8 hours. The road is made by bus. SECOND DAY : Bicaz . Boat ride on Lake Bicaz (we’ll stay overnight in tent or chalet depending on weather conditions) .Travel time :around 5 hours. THIRD DAY : Bicaz – Chalet Izvorul Muntelui(we’ll stay overnight in tent or chalet depending on weather conditions).Travel time : around 2 hours. Level difference: around 400 meters Altitudes : 430 m Lake Bicaz – Chalet Izvorul Muntelui 800 m . Travel distance : around 7 km. FOURTH DAY :Chalet Izvorul Muntelui – Chalet Dochia (we’ll stay overnight in tent or chalet depending on weather conditions). Travel time around 5 hours. Level difference around 1000 meters. Altitudes : 800 m Chalet Izvorul Muntelui – 1800 m Chalet Dochia Travel distance :around 10 km. FIFTH DAY :Chalet Dochia – Waterfall Duruitoarea – Durau . Travel time : around 3 hours. Level difference 1070 m ( we’ll stay overnight in tent or chalet depending on weather conditions). Travel distance: around 10 km. Altitudes :Chalet Dochia 1800 m – Waterfall Duruitoarea 1270 m – Durau 800 m . SIXTH DAY: We are visiting Northern Moldavia Monasteries{Voronet, Agapia , Sucevita, Varatec, Putna, Moldovita, Arbore.(we’ll stay overnight in tent or chalet depending on weather conditions). The road is maade by bus. SEVENTH DAY: Durau – Cluj , Brasov or Oradea. The road is made by bus. Equipment: Mountain tent, sleeping bag, waterproof boots, isolier, rucksack, aluminium flask, rain cloak, thick clothes, very good physical condition

Ceahlau Mountains

Worshiped by our ancestors Ceahlau has a yearly date celebrated by the pilgrims : 6 August named also the day of the mountain. Ceahlau mountain was considered by Dacians the nest of Zamolxis god. The old name of the Mountain is Peon which translated from Greek means « The Pole House ». Today Ceahlau is considered the second holy mountain of Orthodox Christianity after Mount Athos.
FIRST DAY : Start point Oradea , Cluj or Brasov – Bicaz (we’ll stay overnight in tent or chalet depending on weather conditions). Travel time : around 8 hours. The road is made by bus.
SECOND DAY : Bicaz . Boat ride on Lake Bicaz (we’ll stay overnight in tent or chalet depending on weather conditions) .Travel time :around 5 hours.
THIRD DAY : Bicaz – Chalet Izvorul Muntelui(we’ll stay overnight in tent or chalet depending on weather conditions).Travel time : around 2 hours. Level difference: around 400 meters Altitudes : 430 m Lake Bicaz – Chalet Izvorul Muntelui 800 m . Travel distance : around 7 km.
FOURTH DAY :Chalet Izvorul Muntelui – Chalet Dochia (we’ll stay overnight in tent or chalet depending on weather conditions). Travel time around 5 hours. Level difference around 1000 meters. Altitudes : 800 m Chalet Izvorul Muntelui – 1800 m Chalet Dochia Travel distance :around 10 km.
FIFTH DAY :Chalet Dochia – Waterfall Duruitoarea – Durau . Travel time : around 3 hours. Level difference 1070 m ( we’ll stay overnight in tent or chalet depending on weather conditions). Travel distance: around 10 km. Altitudes :Chalet Dochia 1800 m – Waterfall Duruitoarea 1270 m – Durau 800 m .
SIXTH DAY: We are visiting Northern Moldavia Monasteries{Voronet, Agapia , Sucevita, Varatec, Putna, Moldovita, Arbore.(we’ll stay overnight in tent or chalet depending on weather conditions). The road is maade by bus.
SEVENTH DAY: Durau – Cluj , Brasov or Oradea. The road is made by bus.
Equipment: Mountain tent, sleeping bag, waterproof boots, isolier, rucksack, aluminium flask, rain cloak, thick clothes, very good physical condition

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Ceahl?u, Romania


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